Test scripts¶
The tests of the xmlschema library are implemented using the Python’s unitest
library. The test scripts are located under the installation base into tests/
subdirectory. There are several test scripts, each one for a different topic:
- test_helpers.py
Tests for helper functions and classes
- test_meta.py
Tests for the XSD meta-schema and XSD builtins
- test_models.py
Tests concerning model groups validation
- test_package.py
Tests regarding ElementTree import and code packaging
- test_regex.py
Tests about XSD regular expressions
- test_resources.py
Tests about XML/XSD resources access
- test_schemas.py
Tests about parsing of XSD Schemas
- test_validators.py
Tests regarding XML data validation/decoding/encoding
- test_xpath.py
Tests for XPath parsing and selectors
You can run all tests with the script test_all.py. From the project source base, if you have
the tox automation tool installed, you can run all tests with all supported Python’s versions
using the command tox
Test cases based on files¶
Two scripts (test_schemas.py, test_validators.py) create the most tests dinamically,
loading a set of XSD or XML files.
Only a small set of test files is published in the repository for copyright
reasons. You can found the published test files into xmlschema/tests/test_cases/
You can locally extend the test with your set of files. For doing this create a
directory at repository level and then copy your XSD/XML files
into it. Finally you have to create a file called testfiles in your
cd test_cases/
touch testfiles
Fill this file with the list of paths of files you want to be tested, one per line, as in the following example:
# Quantum Espresso
qe/silicon-1_error.xml --errors 1
qe/silicon-3_errors.xml --errors=3
qe/SrTiO_3-2_errors.xml --errors 2
The test scripts create a test for each listed file, dependant from the context. For example the script that test the schemas uses only .xsd files, where instead the script that tests the validation uses both types, validating each XML file against its schema and each XSD against the meta-schema.
If a file has errors insert an integer number after the path. This is the number of errors that the XML Schema validator have to found to pass the test.
From version 1.0.0 each test-case line is parsed for those additional arguments:
Schema location hint overrides.
- –version=VERSION
XSD schema version to use for the test case (default is 1.0).
- –errors=NUM
Number of errors expected (default=0).
- –warnings=NUM
Number of warnings expected (default=0).
- –inspect
Inspect using an observed custom schema class.
- –defuse=(always, remote, never)
Define when to use the defused XML data loaders.
- –timeout=SEC
Timeout for fetching resources (default=300).
- –skip
Skip strict encoding checks (for cases where test data uses default or fixed values or some test data are skipped by wildcards processContents).
- –debug
Activate the debug mode (only the cases with –debug are executed).
If you put a --help
on the first case line the argument parser show you all the options available.
Test case line options are changed from version 1.0.0, with the choice of using almost only double dash prefixed options, in order to simplify text search in long testfiles, and add or remove options without the risk to change also parts of filepaths.
To run tests with also your personal set of files you have to add a -x/--extra
option to the
command, for example:
python xmlschema/tests/test_all.py -x
tox -- -x
Testing with the W3C XML Schema 1.1 test suite¶
From release v1.0.11, using the script test_w3c_suite.py, you can run also tests based on the W3C XML Schema 1.1 test suite. To run these tests, actually limited to XSD 1.0 schema tests, clone the W3C repo on the project’s parent directory and than run the script:
git clone https://github.com/w3c/xsdtests.git
python xmlschema/xmlschema/tests/test_w3c_suite.py