Sphinx and Epydoc

The document creation is changed. This includes some changes of the contents as well as the in particular the generation of the documentation.

  • Added common data comprising installation with the test status of teh supported platforms [platformids] and implementations [pythonids].

  • Added the documetation of the changes.

  • Adapted the setup.py by rewriting based on setuplib. This in particular includes the commands build_docx, install_docx, and dist_docx, see [setuplib].

  • Added support for epydoc with automated - draft - integration into sphinx for javadoc like document creation.


The changes comprise:

  • Added extended documentation with epydoc integration into sphinx, therefore changed:

    • move doc to docsrc

    • generate distribution documents optional into doc directory

    • included the setuplib with new commands, supports currently html only:
      • build_docx

      • install_docx

      • dist_docx

    • added create_sphinx.sh for custom compilation of documents, see [setuplib]

Supported Document Formats

The documentation is based on setuplib.build_docx, which is currently released only for HTML, additional will follow soon.

Meanwhile either the Makefile has to be used, though missing epydoc than, or the HTML documentation has to be converted by one of the various tools, e.g. as contained or supported by Calibre.